I am an Italian photographer, who just loves the outdoors. I started photography when I was 26, not long ago, and I have a lot to learn.
My photographic journey started in my hometown, Verona, in Northern Italy, basically shooting just everything I saw with an entry level DSLR I received as a gift. I don't know exactly what really got me into photography, but as soon as I could I took a life-changing course, and I started to unveil a whole other philosophy behind shooting pictures.

In 2019, I had the lucky opportunity to work one year in Sydney, Australia, a country I had well known since my postgraduate studies. The return to "my" Australia, where I lived for the first half of 2017 without a camera and photography knowledge, was accompanied with some simple but specific goals: have fun, continue learning, shoot the stars at least once.
In Sydney one thing led to the other: I found a mentor and I found a fantastic network of very talented photographers from all over the world that inspired me with their works. From distance, I continued my journey in photography, practising, having fun and studying a lot in my free time. Which of course I still do now, everyday. In September 2019, I conducted my first workshop in Street Photography which turned out a complete failure.
My passion for landscape photography grew only with time, but then it became so evident that I could not just ignore it. I love people, I truly do. But having lived all my life in Europe, where every place is so packed with people, every town so close to each other, the men-made constructions are everywhere in a landscape, I could not resist to just be by myself, for once in my life.
Landscape photography became the perfect excuse to avoid human contact for a few hours and be just with nature, yourself and a camera.
I cannot count the number of "vocal messages" of birds singing that I recorded when walking alone in the forest. I cannot forget the sound of the water, of a river, and of the ocean.
I just could not connect with other humans as I do with nature.
"What landscape photography is about has nothing to do with pulling over your car and point and shoot that beautiful sunset on your drive home." - First lesson I had on landscape photography.
In Australia I found peace in the drizzle, in the rain, in the snow (yes it snows! Thank you Tasmania), in the sand and with my feet in the water.
I did what all other landscape photographers do. Sleeping out, crouching on the backsit of a car, irregularly eating backcountry prep meals (R.I.P. to my Italianness), setting the tent in the middle of a rainforest, by the side of a lake, inside a cave on the beach. Scratching, hitting, damaging, losing so much gear.

I was showing a composition and a sudden big wave hit me... (Happy face showing other students how much I love doing this)
In February 2020 I did my first landscape photography workshop in Sydney. It was a success!
But what was more important is that I was having fun, doing what I love, and I was by the ocean, by far my favourite subject ever.
Now I am back to Italy where I live and I'm wishing to continue doing landscape photography as long as I can, possibly turning this passion into a profession someday. This portoflio only highlights a selection of photographs shot during my learning journey in Australia and New Zealand.
If you wish to buy a print or have any inquiries about landscape photography, workshops, or you simply have a question that I can answer, send me a message here in Italian, English or French or contact me through any social media, and I would be happy to answer you.